The World Affairs Council of Harrisburg announces a weekly Facebook Live discussion series: GLOBAL RESPONSES TO THE CORONAVIRUS — 5 p.m. Sundays on our Facebook Page.
Featuring leading experts in science, medicine, economics and government addressing the most important issues related to COVID-19
Moderated by WACH President Joyce M. Davis

Dr. Zied Mhirsi is a Tunisian global health professional. He has worked extensively on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases in Africa and the Middle East. Dr, Mhirisi has worked with the international media analyzing the Arab Spring, intervening on shows and helping media outlets produce stories, documentaries and other shows. He also co-founded Tunisia Live, the first Tunisian English-speaking news website. Zied is a medical doctor and holds 2 Masters in Public Health from the American University of Beirut and the University of Washington. He is a Fulbright Alumnus and a Tutu fellow.
April 19 — Dr. Mehdi Noorbaksh — Harrisburg University — Overview of Global Responses to the Pandemic
April 26 – Dr. Suresh Kuchipudi — Penn State University
The Race for a Vaccine