Thanks to Elizabethtown College’s Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking for hosting the 2015 Academic WorldQuest Competition!
CONGRATULATIONS to the winning teams:
Harrisburg Academy – First Place! Second consecutive year as top team!
Cumberland Valley High School – Second Place! Fifth year in a row placing in winning teams!
Cedar Cliff High School – Third Place! First year competing in competition!
Academic WorldQuest is a global affairs and U.S. foreign policy-based knowledge competition. Every year, over 4,000 high school students across the U.S. participate in local WorldQuest competitions hosted by their World Affairs Council. The winners of each local competition travels to Washington, D.C., for the National Competition. This year’s National Competition will host over 40 teams from across the country from Hawaii and Alaska to Florida. The competition consists of teams of four students answering 100 questions over ten rounds. This year’s categories are:
2014-2015 Topics Were:Russia / Eurasia
Youth, Jobs, and Social Unrest
Food and Water
Future of Energy
Africa Rising
Climate Change
Asia and the New Global Economy
Millennium Development Goals: 2015 and Beyond
Great Decisions
Current Events