UN-75: The Journey Continues — Keynote: Ambassador Thomas Pickering

The World Affairs Council of Harrisburg recently collaborated with World Denver, the Tennessee World Affairs Council and the International Relations Council – Kansas City — to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations with Ambassador Thomas Pickering.

Here is a link a truly momentous event!

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Moderator: Joyce M. Davis, President, President/CEO. World Affairs Council of Harrisburg

Keynote: Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering


  • Hon Gérard Araud, former Ambassador of France to the United States and former Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations (Confirmed)
  • Linda Fasulo, NPR Correspondent at the UN, author “An Insider’s Guide to the UN” (Confirmed)
  • Samuel Rushay, Supervisory Archivist, Harry S. Truman Library and Museum (Confirmed)
  • Dustin Liu, UNA USA Youth Representative
Presented by Members of the World Affairs Councils of America:
WorldDenver, International Relations Council – Kansas City, World Affairs Council of Harrisburg and the Tennessee World Affairs Council
Wednesday Dec. 9, 2020  ET 7-8:15 | CT 6-7:15 | MT 5-6:15