Dickinson College’s Clark Forum recently hosted Robert Bilheimer, producer of the acclaimed documentary “Not My Life,” who spoke of his work in producing the film on modern-day slavery A reception in honor of Bilheimer was held at the Clark Forum and the film was aired at the Stern Center on campus. on Sept. 10.
The World Affairs Council of Harrisburg is cooperating with the World Affairs Councils of America to air this important documentary on human trafficking and modern-day slavery. These viewings are made possible by a grant from the Carlson & the Carlson Family Foundation.
Not My Life is the first film to comprehensively depict the cruel and dehumanizing practices of human trafficking and modern slavery on a global scale. Filmed on five continents, in a dozen countries, Not My Life takes viewers into a world where millions of children are exploited, every day, through an astonishing array of practices including forced labor, domestic servitude, begging, sex tourism, sexual exploitation, and child soldiering.
“Human traffickers are earning billions of dollars on the backs and in the beds of our children,” says the film’s director, Academy Award nominee, Robert Bilheimer, “and yet no one knows this is happening.” We have a huge responsibility, right now, to learn the truth and act on it.
Challenging though it may be, Not My Life’s message is ultimately one of hope. Victims of slavery can be set free and go on to live extraordinary lives. Those who advocate for them are growing in numbers, and increasingly effective. At this crossroad for the defining human rights issue of our time, Not My Life tells us that the choice between good and evil is, quite simply, ours.