Category Peace Symposium

To commemorate the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the World Affairs Council of Harrisburg (WACH) sponsors an annual International Peace Symposium and presents “Peacemaker in Our Midst” awards to local leaders who are advocates for peace in our community.

2019 Peacemaker in Our Midst Awards!

Announcing organizations and individuals in our region that have contributed to mutual understanding, conflict resolution and peacemaking. Purchase Tickets HERE for Symposium, including lunch: Peacemaker in Our Midst Awards – Local leaders honored for peacemaking Heeding God’s Call — for its…

2019 International Peace Symposium

Special Appreciation to Dr. Richard Hughes Author – Myths America Lives By: White Supremacy and the Stories that Give Us Meaning Special Appreciation to all Moderators and Panelists: Opening Panel – Dr. David Kenley – Moderator Threats of War: North Korea,…

2018 International Peace Symposium!

Thanks to Elizabethtown College and The Center for  Global Understanding and Peacemaking for hosting: STARING DOWN DISASTER: NEW PARADIGMS FOR PEACEMAKING 10-4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22, 2018 And Special Thanks to our Speakers: OPENING KEYNOTE — UPDATE ON NORTH KOREA…

2017 Peacemaker Awards

2017  PEACEMAKER IN OUR MIDST Honorees! Neighborhood Dispute Settlement – Jacob Kanagy Pine Street Presbyterian Church  Joyce Bylander – Dickinson College Dr. Rukhsana Rahman Athar Rafiq  Ann Marie Judson  Samia Malik Dr. Kurt DeGoede, Elizabethtown College